This is a unique and exciting opportunity for the successful applicant to provide the community of Byron Bay with residential and care services that meet the needs of the older members of the community for many years to come. Proposals are now being sought from interested parties.
You can register your interest in this leasing opportunity and receive further information by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alternatively, you may register and obtain a copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) directly from the NSW eTendering website at www.tenders.nsw.gov.au [ID: SR4255129685] or follow this link https://www.tenders.nsw.gov.au/?event=public.rft.show&RFTUUID=EB6745F5-F9A2-FFAF-EBE9E6614E7BBDC0
The following media release from NSW Crown Lands is also a useful resource: https://www.crownland.nsw.gov.au/news/expression-interest-open-byron-bay-aged-care-site
The closing date for submission of a proposal within the terms of the RFP is 5 pm on 30 November 2023.