Welcome to our February 2018 edition of the StewartBrown newsletter. We hope to keep you informed of the important tax developments and issues affecting businesses in Australia today. In this issue we bring you two important articles; the first being a reminder about the Single Touch Payroll system that soon becomes mandatory and secondly a new Government initiative aimed at reducing some pressure on housing affordability.
2018 01 Aged Care Sector 2017 September Reports Released
The StewartBrown Aged Care Financial Performance Survey incorporates detailed financial and supporting data from over 830 residential aged care facilities and 420 home care programs across Australia. The quarterly survey is the largest benchmark within the aged care sector and provides an invaluable insight into the trends and drivers of financial performance at the sector level and at the facility or program level.
StewartBrown listed in chartered accountants top pro bono firms
With an average 686 hours per partner StewartBrown was ranked 1 in chartered accountants Australia and New Zealand's top 15 pro bono firms.
2017 12 Newsletter - Fringe Benefits, Tax and Christmas Parties
It is that time of year again and we thought a reminder on the tax consequences of Christmas celebrations and gifts would be timely. Income tax, FBT and GST are all relevant considerations where these costs are involved.
2017 11 Newsletter
We hope to keep you informed of the important tax developments and issues affecting businesses in Australia today and throughout the year ahead.