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  • 2024 03 StewartBrown Aged Care Financial Performance Survey (December 2023)

2019 03 Fringe Benefits Tax (“FBT”)



The FBT year ends on 31 March 2019 and each employer is required to calculate their liability for FBT. Where a liability for FBT exists, an annual return is required to be lodged and any tax paid by 21 May 2019. However, if the return is lodged electronically by a Tax Agent the due date of lodgement is 25 June 2019 while the payment due date is 28 May 2019.

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2019 03 Tax Policies Of The Major Political Parties


In our May 2018 special edition newsletter, we discussed the tax policies of the major political parties in Australia at that time. This was back when newspapers and online media were fervently covering the major issue being proposed by the Labor party; that of cancelling tax refunds arising from excess imputation (or franking) credits.

As the Federal election is drawing ever nearer (and the prospect of a change in Government seems ever more likely!) we thought that we should revisit some of the more significant policy proposals as some of you may be substantially affected by them if they become law (and could apply from 1 July this year!)

Bob Deutsch Senior Tax Counsel of the Taxation Institute of Australia recently said “The next Federal election is looming as one of the most important elections in recent times particularly having regard to the differences between the two alternatives on tax policy.”

We have summarised the major parties tax policies for you and given some brief explanations in each of the following links:

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2019 03 Aged Care Sector 2018 December Financial Performance Survey


The StewartBrown December 2018 Aged Care Financial Performance Survey incorporates detailed financial and supporting data from over 965 residential care facilities and over 27,164 home care packages (503 home care programs) across Australia. The quarterly survey is the largest benchmark within the aged care sector and provides invaluable insight into the trends and drivers of financial performance at the sector level and at the facility or program level.

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2019 03 Managing Prudential Risk in Residential Aged Care Submission March 2019


In February 2019, The Australian Department of Health (the Department) released the discussion paper “Managing Prudential Risk in Residential Aged Care” in consultation with the residential aged care sector and the broader community on the issue of managing prudential risk in residential aged care.

The existing framework in place under the Aged Care Act 1997 (the Act) supports this objective, however two recent reviews have recommended that the prudential framework be strengthened (Ernst and Young and the Tune Review).

The Department has invited submissions from all interested stakeholders to gather the sector’s views on the options for better managing prudential risk in residential aged care.

Please see below for the StewartBrown submission on managing prudential risk in residential aged care.

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